The indissoluble strokes of Hemraj

Here's a moment in time: that impells you to behold, with the mind nudged to become still. One would naturally be propelled to suspend the ever verbose entity to a peaceful halt, for once not trying to find meaning. Wouldn't that be one of the directions art can be piloting? To be gaining entry into the apparently indecipherable arena beyond the mind, which is where I see Hemraj’s leading us.

For his impressionist impasto flat bold strokes, one on top of another; lines demanding their say, playing with thick dots seemingly haphazard, I would want to inquire if there is a method to the madness. Do the opaque emissions on top of some translucent and some opaque under-layers whisper of the glimpses of the mystery of the coveted, now and then partially visible and then again hidden with its ever elusive quality? Does that sound familiar? The very nature of life? That’s as close as an artist can get, to unravel through those layers characteristic of that opacity, which Hemraj consciously chooses.  
His most recent doodles on paper are again inviting him and his viewer into that very language: Coded- which perhaps might murmer with the elixir only when the ever fidgety mind is flung aside. Can there be definitions? Can there be elucidations and versions? One would do better to stay put there without bothering to answer. Toast to art synonymous with the most enigmatic: Life itself!

At a closer look at these coded forms with their utter simplicity, their fun, frolic and energy, encapsulating the very innocence of the most ancient within us, it is a mild bit of an astonishment to discover them encapsulating both one dimensional along with the three dimensional expressions, cohabiting. Doesn't that bit come as a revelation? The flat drawings, sharing space with the perspective drawings, breaking out of the conventional, while at one hand reminiscing the cryptic hieroglyphics, yet at the other, taking a step ahead of them, with a more impenetrable language inherent. No wonder he sniffs eternal reminiscences in them; the primarily opaque layers embedded deep inside of us, wafting the aroma instilled, calling for utter silence to have the indissoluble withindecoded.

Bhoomika Jain
Art historian and Art critic


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