Given the fact that life has a strong element of mystery to it.And
also given, that the artist is among the fortunate souls to be at the
receiving end of the transmissions of those invisible waves of the
mysterious.That which releases joy for the layman in the process is
the transliteration that the poet ,the painter ,the dancer awards to
the receptions of the enigmatic,the inscrutable.And the result is the
invisible string of elixir that is exchanged between the two.The
artist on one,the lover of art on the other.The paint,the brush and
palette,being the medium of the painter,And the painter himself being
the medium of the invisible spirit permeating Nature.

No wonder Hemraj experiences a perfect ego-less state while giving
articulation to his experience.It definitely came from his heart when
he stated that the artistic process
as it unfurls for him, takes him by a sweep and he comes to have any
thought what so ever over it, only after the painting itself declares
There is no interference of thought as long as he is in the process of
allowing himself being the medium.Moreover he does not have to call
for a decision according to his judgement to stop at a point.It
happens on its own for him.The painting itself paroles him,releases
him, to put it across in different words.

The most delighting fact of the creative process that reveals itself
is the flow that erupts,goes on to acquire a momentum,a velocity where
the analysis annihilates itself
and all, that is left to remain, is only the catalytic presence of him
and his artistic gear, between the work and the energy above.Him being
a recipient
of such an experience only comes out too strongly, when one is 'ru ba
ru' i.e observing his works.

The monumental in them replicates the cosmic,and seems infused with
the spirit of surrender.Surrender to the infinite force and power
above,which overtakes any human endeavor by a deluge, provided one is
receptive to the flow,and allows it to take its own course.God
definitely has bigger plans for all of us,but only if we trust the
source beyond ourselves and let go off the interference.One meets with
a similitude of surrender to the energy above, that Hemraj is guided
by,that comes our emphatically from what his works exude.The joy that
he is to be with,a very simple and happy soul as he came across
talking with absolute innocence about his experiences with paints and

The canvasses as one goes closer, start revealing more, than they
wanted to whisper in the first interaction.There are layers upon
layers of
silent revelations that call for one's attention in the multi layered
paint that he applies transparent at places and opaque patches in some
subtle forms,that are finally superimposed.The see through effect or
the transparency that is proposed calls for the eyes to go and
excavate the layers for the hazy mystery enveloped in there.
Like a layer of a translucent glass encapsulating the esoteric
within,that reveals only partially,as if a replication of the sense of
mystical that this universe engulfs.

He was born to be an artist,emerges from his early childhood when he
would inadvertently indulge in the exploration of creating beauty
himself.And his very loving and passionate father who was fascinated
with this revelation always tried to create convenience in the
direction towards the fulfillment
of his art.Infused with such a joyous curiosity that he once barged in
the examination hall of his child on the pretext of delivering his
tiffin much to the embarrassment
of Hemraj,who fills up with nostalgia recalling this.

Hemraj loves anecdotes profuse with wisdom as they add to his own
inquiry of life as much as they add intensity to his vocation,, which
for the preoccupation with the queries of the occult, becomes a
process of revelation where he finds himself drenched with the joy
that partakes in the interaction.The silence and simplicity that his
works are filled with is loud enough to knock one into that joyous
energy that he experienced.With the requisite receptivity at the end
of the observer, the artist drowned in the passion cannot but
have it transfused or disseminated. Passion at the creative end of the
artist cannot but fountain over from the frames to the fertile minds
around.That's the beauty of the interdependence of the artists and
the lovers of art-the kinship of authentic beauty with the patrons of

Using rollers,brushes,knives with the flow of the impasto creating
rugged textures here and subtle ones there,the balance acquired is
visually delightful.The transparent
hues awarded at some, along with the opaque at others creating an
interesting synergy there.The symbols of erotic forms that he
splatters subtly on the surface, that kind
of pop out from the backdrop of the abstract mass of beautifully
painted compositions create a foreground as if providing depth to the
layers beneath.

The act of painting is a 24 hr preoccupation as he admits to the
inquiry of the duration of his work.Overtly difficult to accept but
the revelation of the
process more than corroborates the reality of it.An artist ,a
composer,a musician,a dancer ,an engineer,a scientist all in all,all
who are indulging in their
vocation passionately,are not just spending the literal time that they
are actually with their creative pursuits,but their conscious and
that remains submerged in their preoccupation throughout.Thus during
the hours of sleep, deep or scanty, the mind is at a heightened level

Almost all his works create that sense of powerful mystery with the
two major layers that he creates,along with multiple more to unfurl as
you go excavating and just remaining still in front of those
monuments.A peep is all you crave for beyond the little openings that
they create the illusion of.As if just the granules of truth are
to ignite curiosity in the mind of a learner in his pursuit of the
ultimate truth,beyond those superficial layers carrying the mighty
import,calling and beckoning you irresistibly.
The glow shining from beneath carrying the snippets of the mystic that
is captured in there.

Under the concrete simple almost intentional childish line drawings
which seem to have been used as symbols and been rendered opaque with
flat thick layers of color appear not for no reason.A little longer
rumination while observing the works brings it out like a flash of a
simple discovery.The subtle impressions of the drawings of genitals on
the surface,lending to it an opaque ,and the in between stretches of
spaces with a major depth ,capturing a strong metaphor
there..Metaphorical for life perhaps !.Beyond the surface attractions
rendered in the opaque suggesting their symbolic significance as
opaque,or circumscribed to just the surface level...whereas the vast
stretch that, life is beyond that which takes away the priority focus
of humanity at large,is deep and has layers and layers of discovery
and revelations to unfurl !

Hemraj titles his works with the spiritual flavor of "Thou,Thou..."an
revolutionizing emission from Guru Nanak Dev .And thus Hemraj
feels"today's world is the cruel victim of the very idea of 'mine',
the sole source of conflict in every walk of life. Aggression,
violence, bloodshed vast destruction … are just the net outcome of
going by the idea of 'I' and 'mine'. The path Guru Nanak showed is
most relevant in today's world...”. 'Thou… Thou… 2012” is a humble
attempt to counter the “I” and negate the idea of “mine” for the sake
of World peace. I feel that paying tributes to Him is an unlimited
exercise in man's expression of his gratitude to his Creator, who is
both the doer (Karta) and the deed (Karma) that results in the
manifestation of His Will".

An artist if he has succeeded in creating visual spaces with appeal at
effective application of his medium sans recognizable forms has quite
possibly succeeded in capturing the mystery of life ,unless it is a
fake attempt,which anyway cannot continue to convince for long.Truth
cannot be suppressed for long for sure.For as long as he has
recognizable lines or forms at his disposal he is attempting
communication within the demarcations of the legible human or visual
language.But to come to a point of rejecting all cliched vocabulary
and taking on that which is insuperable within and conveying from
beyond the horizon of words is task of courage.That dawns from
conviction,and pure passion.

Bhoomika Jain
art critic and poet


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